September 25, 2006
7:00 PM Starbard Building
Members Present: Mary E.L. Shepherd, Co-Chair, Judy Sikes, Co-Chair, Karen Halley,
Lisa DeCiero
Members Absent: Elizabeth Helder
Others Present: Nancy Rocheleau, Holden Historical Society
Ms. Shepherd called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Tonight’s meeting is an Informational Meeting as required by Mass. Cultural Council guidelines. The Grant application deadline is October 16, 2006. Holden has approximately $6,250.00 available in grant funding for FY 07.
There are two outstanding grants from ’06 funding: the Mountview tile restoration project and the Davis Hill Pass/Hands on Art Museum.
Ms. Rocheleau asked if the Council would fund an individual writing a play. The HCC considers two types of grant applications: Local Cultural Council grants and PASS (Performing Arts Student Series) grants. A HCC member may also originate a grant application.
Applicants must have a local sponsorship and demonstrate support for arts, humanities and/or interpretive sciences. Funding has traditionally been granted from $250 to $750 per individual program.
Ms. Shepherd informed the Council that the Arts Lottery fund balance as of 8/31/06 is $1,520.80. This, in addition to the $4,730.00 in new lottery aid for FY 07, makes $6,250.80 available for ‘07 grants.
Since there were no further questions, the HCC adjourned the meeting at 7:25 PM.
Next meeting of the HCC is November 8, 2006 at 7:00 PM in Memorial Hall in the Town Hall.